Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Role of 12th house

12th house is consider as house of losses, miseries, hospital illness and even death. But many few know or even consider it as the house of bed pleasures. But how is planets are placed in it or giving aspect and its Lord shows how a person will experience bed pleasures in his or her life.

         It also shows how a person's character will going to be considering his/her 12th house. Venus the planet of love, definitely give immense bed pleasure in 12th house but it does't means he/she is a characterless person. Venus in 12th house simply means a person will have good bed pleasure or he/she will enjoy it at most. But a little affliction of bad planet will change it wholesomely. Like wise a bad planet like Saturn doesn't means it brings bad character, instead a person having Saturn in 12th house are more loyal than any other. We will discuss in detail each planets and its effects in 12th house in upcoming post.

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