Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love marriage - Role of 5th house

Love Marriage in Astrology
On the occasion of Valentine's Day, today we are going to discuss the possible combination in astrology which turn love into a love marriage.
                The 5th house - It is the house of love affairs in astrology. There can be any rashie out of 12 can fall into it which give this house a lord, called the 5th house lord.
                                                             The 7th house is considered to be native's wife house, and is seen for marriage purposes. So this house gives marriage as 5th house gives love affairs.
           There can be many combination in a horoscope which can give love marriage, but here we are discussing the 5th houses relationship with other houses and house lords to give love marriages.
Some of these are explained as follows :

  •    5th house lord in 7th house: As you can see in the image, the lord of 5th house VENUS is in 7th house. It can give a love marriage.     

  • 7th house lord in 5th House: As you can see in the image, the lord of 7th house MOON is placed in 5th house, it can also give a love marriage                                      

  • Exchange of 5th & 7th lord: As in above shown examples, there is a possibility that 5th house lord is placed in 7th, and 7th house lord is placed in 5th, it will make even stronger yoga for love marriage.
Likewise the 5th house there are other houses, which sometime give love marriages. we will discuss all of them in our upcoming post.
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